How to Prep Your Skin for the Wedding Day

Every bride wants to look perfect on her wedding day. And while you can put on your gorgeous dress in a matter of minutes, and get your hair and makeup done in a few hours, making your skin glow is a longer process. In fact, you should start with preparations months before the big day. If you want to wake up on your wedding day completely ready, here are several steps you should start taking ASAP!

It is Never Too Early for Facials

Your wedding is not for the next six months? Great, it is the perfect time to start preparing for the big day, and the first thing on your itinerary should be an organic facial. Organic products such as vitamin C serum can rejuvenate and brighten your skin, as well as soften those fine lines. We suggest you get a facial once a month so you will look flawless on your wedding day. 

facial treatment

Facial Treatment [photo: Gustavo Fring]


Get a Tan Right Before the Wedding

If you wish to be a tad tan for your walk down the aisle, it is recommendable that you get a spray tan one day before the wedding. This way you will avoid nasty patches and fading, just remember to do all the waxing beforehand. 

bridal makeup

Elegant Bridal Makeup [photo: Maria Gloss]


Don’t Forget to Exfoliate

Acids and other exfoliators can remove dead cells and keep your skin fresh and radiant. If you know nothing about exfoliators, look for those that contain AHAs and BHAs, ingredients that are great for your skin, but are not too harsh.


Include Superfoods Into Your Diet

It doesn’t matter what your skin type is, it needs water in order to get rid of toxins and stay properly hydrated. Apart from drinking plenty of water, you could also include a couple of superfoods for your face into your diet, such as grapefruit, cucumbers, tomatoes, and kale.


Superfood [photo: Jannis Brandt]


Nurture Your Elbows

About 99% of the wedding dresses have short or see-through sleeves, so it is safe to say that your elbows will most likely be completely exposed. Unfortunately, most brides forget to take care of this part of their body, so don’t follow their footsteps. Instead, take a long bath once a week and put bath salts with sodium bicarbonate in the tub. It will break down dry patches and allow your elbows to soak in moisturizing creams. 

bridal beauty

Relax with a bathing ritual [photo: Rodnae]


Work Out

Exercising before your wedding day isn’t just going to help you look amazing in your wedding gown, it will also do wonders for your skin. When you work out you sweat, which means that toxins are leaving your body. When you sweat, you allow your body to flush out all the impurities that have been present in your skin, therefore making it smoother and clearer. 


Don’t Forget to Relax

It is a known fact that planning a wedding can be extremely stressful. After all, there are so many things to organize, so many details to think about and at the end, someone always cancels at the last second or the cake doesn’t look exactly the way you wanted. If you want to keep your sanity, and do your skin a huge favor, learn how not to sweat the small stuff and try to take a yoga class once a week. This way you will unwind and detox your body. 

work out

Women Doing Yoga [photo: Anna Shvets]


Don’t Neglect Your Lips

Keep in mind that all the cameras will be on you and a lot of kissing will be going on, so make sure you don’t overlook your lips. Chapped and dry lips are never pretty, so use a lip exfoliator to remove dead skin cells and then apply a good balm.  Do this once a week for two months and your lips will be ready for the big day.

With these tips, your skin will look absolutely radiant on your wedding day.

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